Pumpkin, 2014. Close-up (headshot). ISO 3200. F 5.3, 1/500. I created a white border with a black brush border. I increased the brightness.
Pumpkin, 2014. Full body. ISO 400, 1/1000, F8. I created the white border with the black brush border. I then increased the brightness and exposure.
Pumpkin, 2014. Over- on top. ISO 3200, F5.3, 1/25. I increased vibrance, contrast, saturation and increased exposure a tiny bit.
Pumpkin, 2014. Environmental. ISO 400, F5.3, 1/80. I did the white border and black brush border. I increased the brightness, contrast, vibrance, and saturation.
Pumpkin, 2014. Under-Below. ISO 720, F5.6, 1/60. I increased brightness, exposure, vibrance, and saturation. I decreased the contrast.
Pet Portraits

The story I'm showing is the life of my cat. He doesn't really do much besides sleeping and eating but he still has the sharpest personality of anyone I know.

Paige Ryan
student Jackson, NJ