Bokeh: Skull, 2015. F1.8, 1/6, ISO 100.
Bokeh Film Sprockets: Wooden Figure, 2015. F1.8, 1/6, ISO 100.
Golden hour: Garden Field, 2015. F18, 1/60, ISO 200. I photographed this at approximately 7o'clock at night. This was at the garden at the middle school.
Golden Hour Photoshop: The Glen, 2015. F4, 1/80, ISO 800. The fake one is more obvious because it doesn't illuminate and cast lights and shadows like the real golden hour does.
Silhouette: Yoga, 2015. F22, 1/200, ISO 200. I cropped it, but a filter on it, changed the contrast and burned the subject to make it darker.
Silhouettes: Gymnastics, 2015. F22, 1/200, ISO 200. I turned up the contrast and saturation. I also dodged to make the subjects darker and I put a filter on it.
Light Effects

My favorite is probably the golden hour lighting because it's so naturally beautiful and it doesn't really need any touching up and I just really enjoyed taking those pictures. My least favorite was the fake golden hour because the steps were a little confusing and I don't really like how it looks

Paige Ryan
student Jackson, NJ