L.O.S. - one of my first paintings of the series L.O.S (life on shit) ~ 20 years ago .... the beton block symbolically represents humans - kept sealed off of the multitude of possibilities and realities there are. The Blue indicate deities (entities, creatures, aliens - whatever you wish to call them) who can be helpful or hinder your development. Here the block is being grabbed and about to be tossed and or displaced in(to) space .. as if taking part in an experiment.. 'lets see how they'll do' :)
W.O.S.U. (L.O.S) - wie oben so unten - parallel worlds coming together
W.I.L. (L.O.S.) - what is love - no comment
Sranje_Disturbances (L.O.S.) - helpers from beyond
come...down to earth
essence of balance
Stephanie Cangemi
Digital Artist Lady Lake, FL