Research - Interviews - Ten students conducted twenty home interviews throughout Los Angeles area: two interviewers, two videographer/notetakers, one roaming photographer per family. The teenager was encouraged to invite a friend to the interview fostering a candid and relaxed dialogue. While the interviewers met with parents and teens separately, the videographer recorded conversations and the photographer documented their home and surrounding.
Research - Interviews - Ten students conducted twenty home interviews throughout Los Angeles area: two interviewers, two videographer/notetakers, one roaming photographer per family. The teenager was encouraged to invite a friend to the interview fostering a candid and relaxed dialogue. While the interviewers met with parents and teens separately, the videographer recorded conversations and the photographer documented their home and surrounding.
Research - Interviews - Ten students conducted twenty home interviews throughout Los Angeles area: two interviewers, two videographer/notetakers, one roaming photographer per family. The teenager was encouraged to invite a friend to the interview fostering a candid and relaxed dialogue. While the interviewers met with parents and teens separately, the videographer recorded conversations and the photographer documented their home and surrounding.
Research - Interviews - Ten students conducted twenty home interviews throughout Los Angeles area: two interviewers, two videographer/notetakers, one roaming photographer per family. The teenager was encouraged to invite a friend to the interview fostering a candid and relaxed dialogue. While the interviewers met with parents and teens separately, the videographer recorded conversations and the photographer documented their home and surrounding.
Research - Interviews - Ten students conducted twenty home interviews throughout Los Angeles area: two interviewers, two videographer/notetakers, one roaming photographer per family. The teenager was encouraged to invite a friend to the interview fostering a candid and relaxed dialogue. While the interviewers met with parents and teens separately, the videographer recorded conversations and the photographer documented their home and surrounding.
Probes: Tree Rings - A larger part of what makes us who we are is our past. The probe asked participants to document their past by flagging milestones in their lives. Each participant flagged seven defining events/moments in their lives that would represent a ring in their tree. Analysis of each tree ring revealed three main categories of response: Some participants represented their past with their accomplishments, some with events, and others by a narrative story.
Probes: Tree Rings - A larger part of what makes us who we are is our past. The probe asked participants to document their past by flagging milestones in their lives. Each participant flagged seven defining events/moments in their lives that would represent a ring in their tree. Analysis of each tree ring revealed three main categories of response: Some participants represented their past with their accomplishments, some with events, and others by a narrative story.
Probes: Tree Rings - A larger part of what makes us who we are is our past. The probe asked participants to document their past by flagging milestones in their lives. Each participant flagged seven defining events/moments in their lives that would represent a ring in their tree. Analysis of each tree ring revealed three main categories of response: Some participants represented their past with their accomplishments, some with events, and others by a narrative story.
Probes: Tree Rings - A larger part of what makes us who we are is our past. The probe asked participants to document their past by flagging milestones in their lives. Each participant flagged seven defining events/moments in their lives that would represent a ring in their tree. Analysis of each tree ring revealed three main categories of response: Some participants represented their past with their accomplishments, some with events, and others by a narrative story.
Probes: Globes - We provided each parent & teen with blank globe to create a 3-d collage from a New York Times Sunday newspaper. Differences between parents and teenagers were well-isolated. Collage is an artistic expression therefore analysis is open-ended and subject to interpretation. Discovery from the globe probe collages included questions concerning place and identity; what inspires to care and take action; role in change; methods to improve human connection to the world.
Probes: Globes - We provided each parent & teen with blank globe to create a 3-d collage from a New York Times Sunday newspaper. Differences between parents and teenagers were well-isolated. Collage is an artistic expression therefore analysis is open-ended and subject to interpretation. Discovery from the globe probe collages included questions concerning place and identity; what inspires to care and take action; role in change; methods to improve human connection to the world.
Probes: Globes - We provided each parent & teen with blank globe to create a 3-d collage from a New York Times Sunday newspaper. Differences between parents and teenagers were well-isolated. Collage is an artistic expression therefore analysis is open-ended and subject to interpretation. Discovery from the globe probe collages included questions concerning place and identity; what inspires to care and take action; role in change; methods to improve human connection to the world.
Probes: Globes - We provided each parent & teen with blank globe to create a 3-d collage from a New York Times Sunday newspaper. Differences between parents and teenagers were well-isolated. Collage is an artistic expression therefore analysis is open-ended and subject to interpretation. Discovery from the globe probe collages included questions concerning place and identity; what inspires to care and take action; role in change; methods to improve human connection to the world.
Design: The Unwall - The Unwall is an intervention that explores the domestic environment as a place to design the first steps of a relationship with nature for the families. Our opportunity space based on our research and analysis was to take these first steps in developing a relationship with nature. Strategy would be to bring nature into the home in delightful ways and dissolve the boundary of interior and exterior spaces. Tactic would involve exploring the wall of the home as an interface for delight in nature.
Design: The Unwall - The Unwall is an intervention that explores the domestic environment as a place to design the first steps of a relationship with nature for the families. Our opportunity space based on our research and analysis was to take these first steps in developing a relationship with nature. Strategy would be to bring nature into the home in delightful ways and dissolve the boundary of interior and exterior spaces. Tactic would involve exploring the wall of the home as an interface for delight in nature.
Design: The Unwall - The Unwall is an intervention that explores the domestic environment as a place to design the first steps of a relationship with nature for the families. Our opportunity space based on our research and analysis was to take these first steps in developing a relationship with nature. Strategy would be to bring nature into the home in delightful ways and dissolve the boundary of interior and exterior spaces. Tactic would involve exploring the wall of the home as an interface for delight in nature.
Design: The Flip Table - As part of treating the wall of a home a porous boundary between the family’s living space and nature, the Flip wall is a murphy-bed style picnic table, covered with moss. The green side lives on the outside when the table is closed. When pulled down, it opens to the backyard, bridging the inside and outside with a social space for the family to spend time together, connecting them through their backyard nature.
Design: The Flip Table - As part of treating the wall of a home a porous boundary between the family’s living space and nature, the Flip wall is a murphy-bed style picnic table, covered with moss. The green side lives on the outside when the table is closed. When pulled down, it opens to the backyard, bridging the inside and outside with a social space for the family to spend time together, connecting them through their backyard nature.
Design: The Flip Table - As part of treating the wall of a home a porous boundary between the family’s living space and nature, the Flip wall is a murphy-bed style picnic table, covered with moss. The green side lives on the outside when the table is closed. When pulled down, it opens to the backyard, bridging the inside and outside with a social space for the family to spend time together, connecting them through their backyard nature.
Documentation: Passing On The Future - “Passing on the Future” is the documentation of a unique research and design process, by ten 1st graduate students enrolled in the course Super Studio. The book presents the research methodology, analysis and two design interventions as the result, Unwall and Roam. My work is with Unwall. Roam concentrated on outside activities that would bring teenagers out to the nature and nature into their daily lives. The book is available for purchase on
Design Research
Serra Semi
Media Designer New York, NY