Topographic Emotion
Hard Body
The Seer - This could be a Maori Tribesman of four hundred years ago(notice the spiral tattoos,or an inner city street kid from Chicago,but WHOEVER it is, they have the means to guide us BACK to the PATH.
"Arch of Triumph" - Life size figure. Welded steel industrial punch parts.
"Form Follows Function" - life size figurative sculpture in 1/8 forged and welded steel plate. I have been collecting dancers pretty much my whole life. They make such wonderful models for sculpture because they are so often in great shape and used to adopting pleasing postures and holding the pose. With this particular piece the emphasis was on trying to simulate in forged steel the tautness of her belly and the visceral texture of skin...
Figurative Sculpture
Stephen Fitz-Gerald
Renaissance Man Santa Rosa, CA