I began the process of designing a toy car for an introductory course in Pro/E by considering the greater purpose that toys serve. They are of course a means of recreational fun, but for children toys have the power to plant seeds of curiosity and instill impactful ideas that will likely be explored later in life. For many children, toys present a way of learning, permitting a connection with or simulation of adult life in some capacity. This in mind, I figured that the best thing that today’s children could draw from a toy car is a familiarity with evolving green technology – something that would set a foundation, however significant, for later acceptance of such technologies and ideas.
I began the process of designing a toy car for an introductory course in Pro/E by considering the greater purpose that toys serve. They are of course a means of recreational fun, but for children toys have the power to plant seeds of curiosity and instill impactful ideas that will likely be explored later in life. For many children, toys present a way of learning, permitting a connection with or simulation of adult life in some capacity. This in mind, I figured that the best thing that today’s children could draw from a toy car is a familiarity with evolving green technology – something that would set a foundation, however significant, for later acceptance of such technologies and ideas.