Lexus demo rendering - Hand line drawing in fineliner pen with Photoshop rendering

Ramsey Shilling Co._The El Dorado "Speakeasy lounge" - Concept rendering of the basement floor of The El Dorado building, to be restored to reflect the feel of the hotel's history of underground speakeasies

Offices of Landau Branded; Culver City, CA

Offices of Landau Branded; Culver City, CA

Offices of Landau Branded; Culver City, CA

Barn Remodel - Illustration for Group41, Inc.

SanFrancisco Neighborhood Market - Illustration for Jackson Liles Architecture: 100% Photoshop linework and rendering.

Centerpoint Floor Plan Rendering

Digital Organ Console Concept

Digital Organ Console Concept

House in the Presidio - Photoshop line drawing

75 Clinton, Brooklyn Heights, NY - 100% Photoshop using a cintiq