The Palmetto Project - Smaller version of the two color logo design for The Palmetto Project. The grant is based out of South Carolina where the Palmetto (palm) tree is very popular and the customer wanted to incorporate that into the logo.
Charleston Educator Symposium - This is a logo that I created for the Charleston Educator Symposium. The customer wanted to incorporate the Arthur Ravenal Jr. bridge into the logo design because it is a very popular landmark in the Charleston area.
Fit 4 School Fit 4 Life - This is a logo that I designed for the Fit 4 School Fit 4 Life initiative. The grant is dedicated to keeping children in schools active.
Charleston Auto Worx Logo - Charleston Auto Worx is a local business that repairs, restored, and sells used cars. To portray the concept that this company repairs automobiles I incorporated a wrench into the x at the end of the word Worx.
Ellis Oaks Dental Center - The is a logo design for Ellis Oaks Dental Center, that is located on James Island in Charleston, SC. Large oak trees are very common in the area and this customer wanted to incorporate that into their logo.
Safe Road Maps - These are conceptual designs for the company Safe Road Maps. The concept of the logo was to create something that resembled the four leaf clover highway intersection, or at least that is what I have always called it.
SEnuke - This is a conceptual design for the company SEnuke. While creating this logo, mushroom clouds kept coming to mind when I read the name of the company, so I decided to incorporate one into the logo.
Daydreamer Ranch Alpacas - This is a conceptual design for the company Daydreamer Ranch Alpacas. I tried to keep a unique look with this logo because alpacas are pretty unique animals that you don't see everyday and I incorporated a sunrise to coincide with the "Day" in Daydreamer.
Paraveos - This is a conceptual design for the company Paraveos. What better way to portray creating a green world then to show a caring hand planting a seedling?
Early Literacy Summer Institute - This is a logo that I designed for the Early Literacy Summer Institute. The customer for this logo wanted me to emphasize literacy and children helping each other, so I came up with the idea of the children holding hands while standing across a book.
C. E. Williams Middle School Logo - The mascot of C. E. Williams Middle School is the Mustang. The principal of the school wanted a design that incorporated more then just one horse so that it would appear that they were headed toward a common goal.
Joe Ortinau
Graphic Designer Perrysburg, OH