Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Cosmopolitan layouts - Layouts for the magazine
Marie Claire cover
My Band news
My Band cover
My Band cover
My Band movie music theater
My Band news
Marie Claire - Cover magazine (jan. - febr. 2010)
My Band 14
Stefan Oprea
Art Director Amsterdam, Netherlands