web & interactive
fictitious rework following non disclosure agreement / iPad Application Hangar 7 | Logodesign
fictitious rework following non disclosure agreement / iPad Application Hangar 7 | application click through
fictitious rework following non disclosure agreement / iPad Application Hangar 7 | app icon composit
fictitious rework following non disclosure agreement / iPad Application Hangar 7 | app icon design
fictitious rework following non disclosure agreement / iPad Application Hangar 7 | app intro design
fictitious rework following non disclosure agreement / iPad Application Hangar 7 | app interface design
fictitious rework following non disclosure agreement / iPad Application Hangar 7 | app interface design detail
interactive product presentation for BMW Group - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
interactive product presentation for BMW Group - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
interactive product presentation for BMW Group - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
Product overview | homepage design for MC Modelle - model car mail order business - Creation of navigation structure and interface design / WebShop
Product detail view | homepage design for MC Modelle - model car mail order business - Creation of navigation structure and interface design / WebShop
interactive employee training application for Volkswagen - Creation of whole application with flash and actionscript 2 / actionscript 3
interactive employee training application for Volkswagen - Creation of whole application with flash and actionscript 2 / actionscript 3
interactive employee training application for Volkswagen - Creation of whole application with flash and actionscript 2 / actionscript 3
Coca-Cola sample mailing
homepage design for Molden GmbH - solutions for onairgraphics - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
homepage design for Molden GmbH - solutions for onairgraphics - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
homepage design for Molden GmbH - solutions for onairgraphics - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
homepage design for Molden GmbH - solutions for onairgraphics
homepage design for Molden GmbH - solutions for onairgraphics - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
homepage design for Molden GmbH - solutions for onairgraphics - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
homepage design for Molden GmbH - solutions for onairgraphics - Creation of navigation structure and interface design
test project / simplyfied landing page for Best of the Best Plc.
web/ interactive & mobile
Christoph Alexander Forkl
Crossmedia/ Graphic Designer London, United Kingdom