Licinium, an organisation for people with disabilities - HL: He needs support to keep going.
Licinium, an organisation for people with disabilities - HL: He needs you to find the right way.
Licinium, an organisation for people with disabilities - HL: He needs attention to follow his way.
Invitation for a charitable event for homeless people - face 1 - HL: You cannot read the future, but you can write it. The invitations were like tests in which the guest was supposed to fill in the blank the right word. All the lines are famous Romanian songs referring to a house in one way or another. " a song with sweet harmony It's truly a nice melody my .... 1. street 2. bench 3. house In this way, the guests could actually write with their own hands the future of the homeless persons.
Invitation for a charitable event for homeless people - face 2 - HL: You cannot read the future, but you can write it. The invitations were like tests in which the guest was supposed to fill in the blank the right word. All the lines are famous Romanian songs referring to a house in one way or another. "On top of the hill there's a ... And there is my darling". 1. hayrack 2. house 3. street In this way, the guests could actually write with their own hands the future of the homeless persons.
Invitation for a charitable event for homeless people - face 3 - HL: You cannot read the future, but you can write it. The invitations were like tests in which the guest was supposed to fill in the blank the right word. All the lines are famous Romanian songs referring to a house in one way or another. "Our little .... nest for sweet crazy things Is waiting for you to come back" 1. bench 2. trainstation 3. house In this way, the guests could actually write with their own hands the future of the homeless persons.
Invitation proposal_ Support - HL: You cannot read the future, but you can write it. The invitations were immitating the scaffold game, where you have to find the word in order to "stay alive". In this way, the guests could actually write with their own hands the future of the homeless persons deciding if they offer help or just let them die.
Invitation proposal - Shelter - HL: You cannot read the future, but you can write it. The invitations were immitating the scaffold game, where you have to find the word in order to "stay alive". In this way, the guests could actually write with their own hands the future of the homeless persons deciding if they offer help or just let them die.
Invitation proposal_Family - HL: You cannot read the future, but you can write it. The invitations were immitating the scaffold game, where you have to find the word in order to "stay alive". In this way, the guests could actually write with their own hands the future of the homeless persons deciding if they offer help or just let them die.
Invitation for a charitable event for homeless people - back - "For you is just a little effort. For other is a priceless help."
Energy waste_storyboards
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Social campaign
Luisa Leizeriuc
copywriter Bucharest, Romania