Catalyst LTM website - Since the staff of Catalyst LTM is both young and tech savvy, I wanted to make something a little different from the typical clean church website design. Hence the use of black as well as bright colors. Users can also check out the simple mission statement via a dynamic slideshow and view launch team twitter feeds.
Boysenberry Books website - Boysenberry is the boys' love (a.k.a. "yaoi") imprint of manga books under the Broccoli Books line, but since the imprint focuses on homosexual relationships we needed to make a separate website than the Broccoli Books one.
Broccoli USA Homepage - This is a front page portal for Broccoli International USA. I originally made this in 2003 back when web standards were still being adopted by many designers. The only non-standards complaint part of the site is due to the very archaic Coranto CMS that I was forced to use.