Aquarian Age the Movie DVD menu - Emphasizing the action in the movie, the overall design mixes grunge with flowing water. copyright BROCCOLI
FLCL Ultimate Edition Disc 1 menu - The Ultimate Edition menus were fairly unique in that the whole menu is actually one seamless scene that scrolls. The iron in the background scrolls minimally to give the illusion of a distant background. Each menu has a specific color scheme done in a sort of 60s silhouette style. The locales, color scheme, and character scenes relate to the episodes featured in that disc. The menu animation was done by Blink Digital according to my direction. copyright 1999 GAINAX/KGI
FLCL Ultimate Edition Disc 2 menu - The Ultimate Edition menus were fairly unique in that the whole menu is actually one seamless scene that scrolls. The iron in the background scrolls minimally to give the illusion of a distant background. Each menu has a specific color scheme done in a sort of 60s silhouette style. The locales, color scheme, and character scenes relate to the episodes featured in that disc. The menu animation was done by Blink Digital according to my direction. copyright 1999 GAINAX/KGI
FLCL Ultimate Edition Disc 3 menu - The Ultimate Edition menus were fairly unique in that the whole menu is actually one seamless scene that scrolls. The iron in the background scrolls minimally to give the illusion of a distant background. Each menu has a specific color scheme done in a sort of 60s silhouette style. The locales, color scheme, and character scenes relate to the episodes featured in that disc. The menu animation was done by Blink Digital according to my direction. copyright 1999 GAINAX/KGI
FLCL Ultimate Edition Disc 4 menu - Disc 4, known as "Test Type," is unique from the other FLCL Ultimate Edition discs. It contained a lot of the extra features, and I had to fit in a lot of information in only a few slates. copyright 1999 GAINAX/KGI
DVD Menus