ER/DR T-Shirt - During the process of designing the "Dare Not Tread" shirt for ACEP we created this design, which was rejected as "brilliant, but not what we’re looking for." Later, however, the design was bought as a design for a promotional item at ACEP’s annual convention. The shirt was extremely successful as a premium and even caught the eye of producers of the hit TV show, ER. Following the convention ACEP was contacted by the producers of ER asking for permission to use the shirt on the show.
ACEP "Dare to Tread" T-Shirt - The American College of Emergency Physicians asked us to develope a "hip" updated version of a t-shirt they already use to recruit young Emergency Room Residents. This project eventually lead to the design of another shirt, which was also produced and given away as a premium...and may be used on the television show, ER.