Liturgical Art - World Communion Sunday - the aisle runner comes up onto the communion table - canvas painted and stensilled with acrylic paint

Liturgical Art - Lent - fabric coming from the cross, over the table and out into the congregation, inviting the worshipping community to the table and the cross.

Jazz Sunday - First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, WA - Jazz Sunday

Wedding Enhancements - The draping on the cross goes out over the table and out into the congregation. The wedding party walked up the aisle, on the cloth, to the table and cross to begin their life together.

Wedding Aisle - another view of the wedding enhancements

Easter - Each Sunday, during Lent, a paper banner was added, culmanating on Easter, pictured here. First Presbyterian Church - Vancouver, WA The designs are cut out (like a stensil).

Pentecost - This piece evolved during the season of Lent one year at First Presbyterian Church - Vancouver, WA. The flames, rocks, and ribbon lamps appeared on Pentecost.

Lent - Members of the congregation were traced and added to the outside and inside walls of the church building during the season of Lent one year at First Prebyterian Church - Vancouver, WA.

Lent - The inside of the worship space during the season of Lent one year.

World Communion Sunday - We made postcards out of a number of the Liturgical Enhancements at First Presbyterian Church - Vancouver, WA. They are available for $4.00/12 different postcards from the church - contact Kathleen Brown for information at ofmyhands@gmail.com

During Lent, this cocoon, made from mesh fabric, was the collection point for individual petitions (directed by the worship leaders each week).

As you can see, each week the petitions were written on a different colored slip of paper. These slips were inserted in the bulletins.

On Easter, the slips of paper were seen as transformations into butterflies (die cut on the nursery school's machine), giving flight to the Lenten petitions.

Prayer nets hung at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA. The nets were lowered to begin their collecting of prayers, then raised as they filled up each week. The nets are made from: bamboo poles, garden netting, and strips of used plastic table cloths.

A prayer net used outside, encouraging the neighbor members to tie on their prayers, Garden City United Church, Victoria, BC. A great way to let the neighbors know there are exciting things happening here.

A prayer net hanging on the campus at Reed College, Portland, OR.

All generations can grasp the meaning and tie on a prayer.

Stewardship - Congregants traced & cut out their hand silhouettes on colored paper which were glued onto a large white piece of butcher paper. Those hand prints emerged into images of flying doves, representing what happens when many hands work together.

Members of a congregation in Victoria, BC were invited to color by number onto a predawn and numbered drawing on white butcher pale. They were not told what the final colored "page" would look like which generated interesting conversations during the coloring process.

The colored banners hung from drop cords during Ordinary Time that year.

Pentecost enhancement - flame design colored on butler paper (pieced together with tape on the reverse side, creating a large canvas). Can you spot the dove? See next photo for the reveal.

Pretty sweet, eh? Dove made visible by MaryJo Emmett of John Know Presbyterian Church, Keizer, OR.

This set of enhancements (another one pictured on next photo) grew during the months of Advent at 1st. Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, WA - images inspired by the readings of the week. The blue is photo paper - cuts like butter with an exact knife.

The first of a Lenten enhancement - next photos show the progression.

By the fourth week, the purple lining fabric (30 yards) has moved over the altar, into the font and onto the floor, reaching the congregants.

Now the cloth makes its way into the congregation, inviting all to "the feast".

An angel outlined and filled in with Crayola Markers on a sheer fabric called "twinkle" - in the next photo the marker image has been painted with water (turning the markers into water colors).

The water-colored image, ready to be hung during the Advent Season.

Angels flying.


Enhancement of the Presbyterian Church's General Assembly font, Portland, OR, June-2016.

The catedral windows served as communion serving stations at the PCUSA's General Assembly in Portland, OR, June-2016.

Each of twenty 10' X 5' cosmos image was frame to resemble a cathedral window.

The images were used at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Vancouver, WA during the following Lent - note the dark images surrounding the cross.

During Lent, 2017.

On Easter, the simple change of a lighter image at the cross was dramatic and the impact impressive.

What a difference masses of flowers makes (rather than individually spaced out).

Life size figures, designed by Mary Jo Emmett of John Knox Presbyterian Church, Keizer, OR, cut out of lavender lining fabric, transformed during Lent as you will observe in the following photos.

Note what happens to the chains in the following photos.

Hands are joined by the 4th week of Lent.

The prisoner's chains have broken and he has taken the baby from the over-whelmed young mother.

Rejoicing on Easter Morning.

A processional banner comissioned for a gathering of the United Church of Canada Women.

Pentecost, 2018 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, Vancouver, Washington