Model Studys based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods - A model study usin light based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods.
Model Studys based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods - A model study usin light based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods.
Model Studys based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods - A model study usin light based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods.
Model Studys based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods - A model study usin light based on the sketches of the american architect Lebbeus Woods.
Model Study - A light study on a model created from scratch. The interiors are from LeCorbusier and they were Photoshop-ed.
Model Study - A light study on a model created from scratch. The interiors are from LeCorbusier and they were Photoshop-ed.
Model Study - A light study on a model created from scratch. The interiors are from LeCorbusier and they were Photoshop-ed.
Model Study - A light study on a model created from scratch. The interiors are from LeCorbusier and they were Photoshop-ed.
Model Studys
Octavian Gheorghiu
Student Arch. Octavian Gheorghiu Bucharest, Romania