Mirrored a :30 intended for the September of Johnny's passing, that never ran, following a fan on a road trip to Tennessee to pay homage at Sun Studios.
"Universal Studios" (*This highway-bound billboard was created with Universal Studio Orlando's Jurassic Park ride in mind. Raaawr.)
"Broadway Across America" (*The pictured marquee was actually custom manufactured, at half true-to-life scale. Ads appeared on billboards and bus shelters in cities with appreciative theater audiences.)

THIS PROJECT PAGE FEATURES: print ads + billboards ||| CLIENT: MASTERCARD ||| REGIONS: U.S.A. + Canada ||| AWARDS + RECOGNITION: Global Effies (Gold) ||| The 9-month stretch in which I had no copywriting partner at McCann was also my most prolific. Writing as well as art directing was incredibly fun, yet few realize how challenging it can be to pen original ads for a campaign as time tested as Priceless. The client aslo frequently asked for partnership tie-ins, hence occasional co-branded themes. (*Broadcast uploads forthcoming. Ask about my "Johnny Cash" debit spot some day...)

*** Nyc Factotum...
Hybrid CD / CW / AD | Advertising, Design, Music,... New York, NY