THE CIRCUS (3) educated visitors on our co-producer, the Big Apple Circus. ABOUT BAC TRIVIA (3a) featured a bio, videos and photos. BIG TOP TRIVIA (3b) contained a series of fun and unusual Q&As about our co-producer.

FAQ (4) contained many a sub-navigational category, each of which was easily accessed via the tabs seen to the right, or via one central scroll. The primary content area contained a google map, images, videos and hyperlinks galore. Clicking on a sub-nav tab automatically shifted the given category to the top of the primary content area. A "Top" CTA, which moved upwards as browser screens became smaller, also made it easy to begin reading the FAQ section from the beginning, if wished.

TREATS (6) housed our VIDEO GALLERY (6a) and PHOTO GALLERY (6b), SIDESHOWS podcasts entitled SIDECASTS (6d) plus sponsored GIVEAWAYS (6c) and other promotional freebies.

THE HOOD (5) was designed as a nouveau 'classifieds'. My original plan was to solicit area businesses to advertise pertinent area services à la yelp to supplement sponsorship income, while simultaneously helping performance-attenders navigate the Lincoln Center area. Category tabs made browsing THE HOOD even easier.