Few read direct mail pieces, so it's especially important to capture recipients' attention with exterior packaging. in this case an envelope sealed with strings which mirrors interior messaging. Since clients don't often understand the concept of "active white space" I luckily convinced mine to let me match the copy-laden piece to mirror a 6-foot retail standee I'd previously created, to preserve a modicum of breathing room. All writing and art are mine. (Light grey = metallic silver.)
Few read direct mail pieces, so it's especially important to capture recipients' attention with exterior packaging. in this case an envelope sealed with strings which mirrors interior messaging. Since clients don't often understand the concept of "active white space" I luckily convinced mine to let me match the copy-laden piece to mirror a 6-foot retail standee I'd previously created, to preserve a modicum of breathing room. All writing and art are mine. (Light grey = metallic silver.)