Cakewalk: Outdoor sign - With the existing shop logo, this new design accentuate letter "C" and the crown for customers to memorise as a link to the name "cakewalk"
Cakewalk: carry bag design - The idea is to get people to think of "cakewalk" when they see the letter "C" with a crown
Cakewalk: cake boxes - The new Cakewalk shop owner wanted to redesign the boxes to fit all their products and also have a strong image that emphasize the idea behind the name. The new shop also serves chinese fusion food along with cake and pastry.
Cakewalk: flavour tags - Tags will be used for different flavour of cookies and breadsticks for ease of use both on customers and shop staffs.
Cakewalk: cookie box ideas - An early Illustration idea for bread stick box that features key items in the shop. This was later developed into box with photograph background.
cakewalk window illustration - Illustration for cake shop window display. Because of its location and the logo character, the shop is easily mistaken as a cloth shop. The design is to distinguish the shop from the surronding so poeple would recognise it from a distance away. This will give customer time to look for place to stop and park as it is in a small busy street.
Cakewalk: invitation - event invitation card initial idea it's on pending as the shop gets so busy and no date has been set for the event yet.
Cakewalk:brochure (postponed) - Brochure for cakewalk pending on the development stage for wording (This will be used with the invitation)
water bottle tag
Nudee V
Bangkok, Thailand