Animation still Animation still from Nick Peterson Animation still These were my first ever animations. With plenty of mistakes to be seen, these were still fun projects to do. Fruit Fight (beginning) - Animation created in 3DsMax Fruit Fight Fruit Fight (moving toward knife) Fruit Fight (action) Fruit Fight (climax) Fruit Fight (end) Commercial for LTrain Turbos - This is the beginning of the commercial. Showing a dumb looking car crusing along the highway. Ltrain Turbos - Here the sports car speeds past. LTrain Turbos - Deer and bunny witness the sorry sedan get dusted by the sports car LTrain Turbos - Here Bunny suggests the sedan get some mechanical help. LTrain Turbos - Deer doesn't know what a LTrain is.. LTrain Turbos - As you hear the roar of an engine and spooling of a turbo the sedan speeds past the sports car LTrain Turbos - Here Bunny realizes the sedan was already equipped with a LTrain Turbo as it smokes the sports car. LTrain Turbos - Logo shot at the end of the commercial. Programs used: photoshop, After Effects, 3DsMax, premier pro. gLike Animation still These were my first ever animations. With plenty of mistakes to be seen, these were still fun projects to do. 3D Modeling Share R 7 n Nick Peterson Graphic Designer Spokane, WA Follow Contact