"Warehouse 13" Farnsworth Device Press Kit - "Warehouse 13" became an immediate in Syfy's history. The press kit was inspired by a vintage gadget from the show, the "Farnsworth Device", that predates today's mobile video chat technology. The outer shell is a textured bronze plastic case; every case was then stained in black and hand-rubbed for an antique finish. When opened, an electric-eye sets off a audio recording of one of the show's characters, which is further supported by a lenticular image of the character "talking" to the viewer.
"Warehouse 13" Key Art - The objective was to create a sense of mystery and intrigue surrounding the secret, government-run, covert location known as Warehouse 13 that is home to numerous supernatural objects. The two characters pictured are Secret Service Agents who have been re-assigned. Their new task: retrieve some of the missing objects and investigate reports of new ones.
"Stargate Universe" Press Kit - Syfy's "Stargate Universe" received a Silver at the 2010 PromaxBDA Design North America Awards for the "Press Kit" category. A small icon above Syfy's logo is actually a button; when depressed it illuminates two laser-cut chevrons from the cropped stargate image on the cover.
"Stargate Universe" Press Kit Interior - Spreads from the "Stargate Universe" press kit.