color concept model - sketch model exploring color as navigation tool: each color represents a different art department for the school. green = studio space yellow = sculpture blue = paint purple = intermedia
site map: portland, oregon - yellow = site area, pearl district, northwest portland blue = willamette river graphite, colored pencil, vellum
site - two block city site. graphite, colored pencil, vellum
initial concept sketch modell - site map photocopy altered to represent the fabric of the urban area with spots of green space and the nearby river. photocopy, marker, black foam, black matte board
conceptual diagram / parti - sketch showing the basic diagram of the plan. 13th ave bisects the site into two separate halves while the tilted public square joins the two buildings. the pink diagonal line represents different ways to connect and experience the space, creates a public/private path for the community. graphite, colored pencil, vellum
sketch model 1 - explores connection of two city blocks and the design for the art school building, residence hall and accessory use (library) all supported around a large public space for the school and the city. chip board, pencil, found materials, vellum
sketch model 2 - more refined model exploring the public space. chip board, vellum, found materials
sketch model 2 - chip board, vellum, found materials.
public space perspective - vellum, graphite, colored pencil
sketch model 3 - showing the public space used as a screening/display area for the school and community. chip board, vellum, found materials
sketch model 3 - chip board, vellum, found materials.
foot print / first floor - buildings connect over bisecting street to create a public space for the school and surrounding city. outdoor space intended for theater, stage, performance, gathering, meeting, community, commerce. vellum, graphite, colored pencil.
final atrium model - final presentation model. foam core, paint, wood dowels, wire.
atrium - atrium view looking west through the main building.
interior view showing blue floor paint and the translucent glass facade.
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perspective collages - model photos collaged with magazine cutouts.
entrance perspective - vellum, graphite, colored pencil.
final atrium model - view of atrium from outdoor public space. foam core, paint, wood dowels, plexi, wire.
night shot - photo of atrium model (in progress). demonstrates the intended glowing colored floors of the different art departments.
architecture - pnca
Noelle Dennis
intern architect portland, OR