William Faulkner's Got Soul - Dynamic typographical representation of William Faulkner's 1949 Nobel Prize acceptance speech. Created in order to illustrate Faulkner's key points throughout his speech in an eye catching, dynamic fashion.
"The Cafe of Miracles" - Spread 1 - Magazine article spread. Spread one of four page magazine article reworked for World Ark magazine. Article examining the fast progression from local, fresh and organic foods, to mass produced meats and produce. All illustrations are original, and created specifically for this application.
"The Cafe of Miracles" - Spread 2 - Magazine article spread. Spread two of four page magazine article reworked for World Ark magazine. Article examining the fast progression from local, fresh and organic foods, to mass produced meats and produce. Supplemental article on the effects of DDT also shown. All illustrations are original, and created specifically for this application.
Pay it Forward - Logo designed for charity event hosted weekly at Tasteology Restaurant and Wine Bar, Pittsford, NY.
Print & Logo Design
Noah Rizo-Patron
Graphic Design / Illustration Fort Myers, FL