Concept dashboard app
Mobile app for finding Hotels (Spain)
2. New Detail Page of an app similar to Washington Post, Guardian etc focussed on election - news, guide, history ... for India
Landing page of an app similar to Washington Post, Guardian etc focussed on election - news, guide, history ... for India
A weekly time sheet app
Revamped workflow for an existing booking app Re-designed the UI and workflow for the whole app.
Translated a Desktop software to Web App
Wireframe for Security Portal
Wireframe for Security Portal
An Enterprise iPad app - focussed for sales people
An Enterprise iPad app - focussed for sales people
DAFC, UAE Website - Concept Revamp
Doctor Appointment Booking Application
Doctor Appointment Booking Application
Doctor Appointment Booking Application
iPad, iPhone and Web Wireframes

Few Wireframes developed for multiple projects on Mobile/Tablet Platform

Gathered requirements, developed wireframes, developed interactive prototype and managed UI design

Client Locations: Austraila, UK and USA

UX - IA - Usability Specialist London, United Kingdom