Mint Condition Logo - What I use as my freelance logo
Mint Conditon Stationery - What I use as my freelance stationery
Big Island Candies Logo - Hypothetical logo designed as an undergrad. Assignment was to design a logo and stationery set for Big Island Candies who are known for their shortbread cookies dipped halfway in chocolate.
Big Island Candies Stationery - Hypothetical Stationery designed as an undergrad
Jaywalk Magazine Logo - As an undergrad we had to design a logo, stationery, cover and a few spreads of a hypothetical magazine we named Jaywalk. It was an urban magazine that would discuss events in Honolulu, HI.
Jaywalk Stationery Set
Jaywalk Magazine Cover - I decided to do my cover story on thirtyninehotel, which was a new bar/art gallery in Honolulu at the time.
Jaywalk Cover Story Spread
Element Posters 1 - As an undergrad we were assigned two elements each and we had to find one characteristic of that element and show it in the main photo we used for it.
Element Posters 2
Stern Grove Postcards 1 - As a graduate student we were assigned to create postcards using just text.
Stern Grove Postcards 2
Stern Grove Postcards 3
Type Poster 1 - As a grad student we also were assigned type posters, choosing three fonts and creating a set of 3 posters to showcase them.
Type Poster 2
Type Poster 3
Superheroes Film Festival Poster - We had to come up with a hypothetical film festival and create a poster and a brochure with all the info and order form to order tickets, etc. I decided to go with a superhero theme.
Superheroes Film Festival - inside
Superheroes Film Festival - cover/order form
MWR Outdoor Rack Card - front - Designed when I worked at Pearl Harbor, the outdoor wanted their price list turned from a letter sheet to a double sided rack card.
MWR Outdoor Rack Card - back
Autism Book Design - As a grad student we had to design a book from start to finish. we had to come up with a topic, get all the text and images and design the entire thing. We also had to get it professionally bound, I got it bound at The Key. My topic was autism with a title of Restrict + Repeat: The Phenomenon of Autism.
Autism Book Design
Autism Book Design
Autism Book Design
Autism Book Design
Autism Book Design