Zoo Postcard - We had to make a postcard for a zoo. This was my end product.
CD Cover - Blues
CD Cover - Jazz
Flower Recreate - We were given a flower that we had to recreate in Illustrator and this is my finished product. I like it better than our original. =)
Super-Villain - Our Final Project in our Illustrator class was to create a Super Hero.
Ace of Swords
2 of Swords
3 of Swords
The Raven - This is a layout I did for The Raven by E.A. Poe.
International Peace Gardens - A map I made for class of the International Peace Gardens here in Salt Lake City.
Festival Schedule - A simple layout in Information Design for a schedule of events for an arts festival
AGS Logo - A simple logo that I designed for my friend's website
Nik Rune - This is a redesign of a symbol/logo/icon I've been using for myself for a while. :)
I Heart Ads - Remakes of the I (heart) NY logos
Eyes - Just a quick design I made using blends to create some cat-like eyes
Ringed Planet - This was something I made for my wife.
Nicholas Hoffman
Graphic Designer Salt Lake City, UT