Deer Drops Logo - This is the logo for an original comic strip series I'm working on for a hunting magazine, "Deer Drops".
Deer Drops main character Bill sketch. - Bill is the main character of Deer Drops. This is his character design skecth.
Final Bill Character Design. - Bill is the main character of Deer Drops. This is his character design skecth colored. All characters and logos are original pieces.
Deer Drop character design concepts - These were possible sketches of my main character Bill that didn't make the cut for one reason or another.
Bill character doncept colored. - These were possible sketches of my main character Bill that didn't make the cut for one reason or another.
Character Design Sketch "Junior" - Junior is Bill's son. Much the story revolves around there relationship and his reluctancy to go hunting with his father.
Junior character sketch colored. - Junior is Bill's son. Much the story revolves around there relationship and his reluctancy to go hunting with his father.
Fred character sketch. - Fred is the yin to Bill's yang. They are best friends. Fred is the slightly dimmer one and provides comic relief.
Fred character sketch colored. - Fred is the yin to Bill's yang. They are best friends. Fred is the slightly dimmer one and provides comic relief.
Deer Drops Promo - The three main characters together along with the Deer Drops logo.
Deer Drop Character Set
Nathan Krzykwa
Designer/Typographist Kentwood, MI