3rd Prize Competition -EARTH VILLAGE

3rd Prize Competition
MILD HOME - and Eco Green Village in Sofia, Bulgaria

Build with natural, eco-friendly materials.
All buildings are designed to achieve low energy consumption, which is
possible through the exclusive properties of earth building technique.
All materials used are environmentally friendly, without cement without artificial
isolation, without any pollutants in the indoor environment and at the same time
Working with clay is a pleasant for the hands and the future owners can be
easily help in building process.

The construction of the all buildings is completely wooden. The external walls
are multi layered: basic wall light clay and straw /500 kg/m ³/ added by available
terrain ground, clay or sand. There is 10 ?m lined with reed mats inside and 5 ??
reed mats outside.
. All roofs are planed with
self-sustaining vegetation such as succulents, mosses, herbs, grasses, wild flowers.
Green roofs also provide optimal microclimate inside.

Nikolay Slavov
Architect Sofia, Bulgaria