Land and Seascape Work 2024

These layouts are from a bi-annual publication that I design and manage. This section describes some of my work from 2024 that focuses on Land and Seascape Conservation work that combines the work of three contractors, to explore large scale datasets to help inform Conservation. Additionally there is a feature on a Scientific Paper that I wrote that is soon to be published by the American Association of Geographers. Lastly, there is a layout telling the story a project we are working on in Birmingham that tells the story of how current Environmental inequities are tied to past racial segregation in the city. This is paired with a new community database of important historical places that we have worked with on the ground partners to collect. This is part of an ongoing series on redlining and environmental justice.

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Freelance, Moonlighting
Nik Moy
Science Communicator and Designer Denver, CO