Kalisto Moodboard
Kalisto 2017
Kalisto 2017
Kalisto 2017
Kalisto 2017
Kalisto 2017
Kalisto leaving the present.
Kalisto in Beverly Hills
Kalisto in the Santa Monica Mountains
Kalisto - Canopy opens forward for easy access
Kalisto - 100% Electric
Kalisto - Ultra Aerodynamic, efficient design.
Kalisto, local Police
Kalisto Sport
Kalisto Sport
Kalisto Sport 4-wheeled version
Kalisto Sport 4-wheeled version
Kalisto Snowmobile conversion
Kalisto Submarine conversion
Kalisto Submarine conversion
Kalisto Submarine conversion
Kalisto frame
Kalisto - an Electric City Vehicle

Design Vision - Function

- Compact but spacious
- 1-2 passengers
- Minimum number of parts
- Only one opening
- Electric
- Aerodynamic
- Good visibility
- Carving steering
- Highway capable

Design Vision - Style

- I-phone design philosophy
- Fashion statement
- Modern / timeless
- Elegant
- Non aggressive

User Friendly

- Easy access & parking
- Easy to use & maintenance

Advantages, Kalisto over a Renault Twizy

- Fully closed body, weather protection
- Able to reach at least 100 km/h, for better highway performance
- More up-market interior
- Possibility to remove battery and charge it at home
- Three wheels means less parts and less maintenance

Target Groups

Private users
- Singles / pairs with no kids
- City commuters - journeys to and inside city
- Family - as second or third car
- Single parent with one child

- Local police
- Fire chief
- Small business
- Airports
- Agent meeting clients - real estate and similar

Niklas Wejedal
Concept Vehicle Design Lysekil, Sweden