Model & Site Hand Graphic
La Saline, Port Au Prince, Haiti - Braille Map
Site Study Graphic
Site Study
Prototype Sketch
Model Prototype Graphics
Model Prototype Graphic
Model Prototypes
La Saline, Port Au Prince, Haiti
La Saline, Port Au Prince, Haiti
Hand Rendering, Aerial View
Hand Renderings, Elevations, Aerial View
Site Model
Site Model
Mid Thesis Study Break - 2 room build for 5 people to live
Mid Thesis Study Break - 2 room build for 5 people to live
Urban Aquaculture Research Marina

Study of Port Au Prince, Haiti shortly after the 2010 earthquake. Aqueous Transmission provides a market space and marina for local imports and exports, while providing an urban space for education of aquaculture to local residents in order to create self sustainability within communities. Site - Port Au Prince, Haiti - La Saline.

Nicole Priddy
Interior Designer Washington, DC