kitchen communication device - By exploring emerging technologies, the goal of my third studio class was to create a communication device that would be used within the home. As a single unit, this product would organize the often overwhelming amount of tasks that happen in the kitchen among members of a family. Family members are always on the go in today's high-paced world, so they need a device that can travel with them. As a result, I created modular "branches" that could be personalized to fit individual needs, yet also connect them to the other members of the family. The branches have daily organizer capabilities, meal options/preferences, chore duties, and recipe storage/suggestions. This project helped me to think conceptually and envision products that could emerge five or ten years down the line.
trip trapper - The goal of a two-week class that I took last summer was to create an experience container that could display 2D and 3D memorabilia accummulated while traveling. The product enables the user to create a beautiful display of souvenirs in a quick and easy manner. This project shows that I can create a clean and simple solution in a very short time frame.
upsidedown drill - My goal when sketching was to develop the form of a non-intimidating drill that could be used with two hands to support its weight. With cavemen and primal tools in mind, I gravitated toward drawing bone-shaped forms. This inverted approach to drilling solves the problem of handling a burdensome, awkward drill, because now the user can cradle it with two hands. This project was for my second studio. We looked heavily into ergonomics. In addition, as a class, we learned how to apply a design language over an entire line of products.
graphite glove - This is a fine art drawing which shows my precise rendering capabilities.
candleholder tub - Normally, bathtubs embody sensuality and elegance. However, by creating a candleholder-tub where the candle lays down and appears to be relaxing, the mood changes to goofy and light-hearted. This first year studio project taught me lessons in form sensitivity and wood-working techniques.