Ferrari Hero Character for Activision's BLUR Game - Thanks to Coroflot, a company picked me as a Chief Re-designer of the Ferrari 430. It wasn't an easy Job, cause they wanted the "soul" of a ferrari, but they didn't want to pay for the rights to have a ferrari on the game. I started with some small changes, then I did a research on trends and shapes trying different approaches till we end with this. Btw, This is not the FINAL version (the rear lights were changed and polished for ie).
Thanks ,
Ferrari Hero Character for Activision's BLUR Game - Thanks to Coroflot, a company picked me as a Chief Re-designer of the Ferrari 430. It wasn't an easy Job, cause they wanted the "soul" of a ferrari, but they didn't want to pay for the rights to have a ferrari on the game. I started with some small changes, then I did a research on trends and shapes trying different approaches till we end with this. Btw, This is not the FINAL version (the rear lights were changed and polished for ie).
Thanks ,