Space, (2013) This photo represents space because there is a foreground and an endless amount of "space." I brightened the photo a little bit
Value,(2013) This represents value because there is blackness and white and greys. I put the saturation all the way down.
Line,(2013) This represents line because the focused piece of grass is a line. I put some saturation on the photo
Shape, (2013) This represents shape because the leaf has a defined shape. I applied a little bit of color balance to the photo to enhance the picture.
Texture(2013) This represents texture because you can tell the rocks by the water are rough looking and the water is pretty smooth. I added color balance to achieve the right color.
Color,(2013) This photo represents color because there is a little bit of every coor in this. I added saturation and messed with the curves in photoshop
Elements of Art
