Art to Wear Logo - Logo designed for a well known, annual fashion show put on by the NCSU College of Design and the NCSU College of Textiles.
Recipe for an American Disaster - Designed for the UNCW Atlantis Creative Magazine. The prompt was to write or design (or both) a piece that outlines a non-food recipe.
Recipe for a Crisis - Designed for the UNCW Atlantis Creative Magazine. The prompt was to write or design (or both) a piece that outlines a non-food recipe.
Cliche - This is a shirt design meant to poke fun at all the various graphic design cliches. It is a four spot color print.
Viva La Muerte - Shirt design for the "Threadless(.com) Loves Horror" Challenge. Design is duotone and hand-drawn (with Photoshop noise).
Massage Coupon - Coupon designed as a favor to a friend who is a massage therapist.
AHS Film Club Logo - Logo designed for the Asheville High School Film Club (my former high school)
Boo-BEES - Boo-BEES is a visual pun t-shirt designed to be printed with six spot colors. (Boo because the bees are dressed like ghosts...)
Personal and Professional
Nick Romanos
Graphic Designer Raleigh, NC