Scott Shuptrine catalog (tri-fold full page)
Seasonal furniture catalog I co-shot and produced using InDesign.
MINT Detroit One-Sheeter.
For the non-profit I design for and mentor teens for. Needed a simple but informative one-sheeter to tell people who MINT is and what they can do to help.
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DH and the $2 Highway Humidity album design.
Full CD Art (tray, CD, sleeve (inner and outer).
Combination of software, skills (typography, photography, page design, printing), and an entire band to please went in to this project.
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Visual Soul Photography Business cards
Business cards are perhaps one of the greatest print jobs one can do. With such a finite surface they must be intriguing enough to pull a readers attention, but informative and easy to read.
Wedding "info" Brochure
A friend approached me with an idea. Create a wedding pamphlet and put it online and print them out. It would contain all the info you would need to know to make a memorable trip. A combination of photos and text, graphics, and of course typography and page layout.
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