Ghost Ship, 2014- This lad died while on his ship sailing to amsterdam to pick up his load of gameboys. In photoshop i cut it out cropped the image lowered the opacity and turned it to black and white.
The Ghost Of Water, 2014- This young lad died in 2014 in this exact spot. He was very thirsty and drank too much water and died. Some people pass him in the hallway and see him drinking water today! I did the same and the image before except adjusted the black and white.
The Tire, 2014- This young fella was ran over by a car. He didn't die but he got stuck in the tire when he was hit. He's been stuck ever since and nobody can get him out. He's been living a pretty ticked off, sad, depressing, heartbreaking, unhappy, sorrowful, dismal, desolate, tragic, awful, miserable, dejected, pathetic, unfortunate life. I cut the image out and dragged it to the other background and put him there.
The Grass Have Eyes, 2014- A long long long time ago a boy named gertrude walked the forest. He came across a machine that he saw on the ground that had a small button. He pressed the button and shrunk 6 feet. He is now only seen by ants and other small insects because he's to little for people to see. Since he is hunted by other animals he is living a scary, frightened, spooky, nervous, fearful, afraid, alarmed, intimidated, startled, petrified, terrified, unnerved life. Same as other one.
Depth Of Field

Aperture- A device that controls the amount of light admitted through and opening.
Depth Of Field- The distance between the nearest and furthest objects that give an image judge to be in focus on a camera.

Nick Manno
Student Sparta Township, NJ