The Adjuster - A four armed machine, designed to remove and return the arm of the Protagonist. The frame is controlled by a human brain.
Adjuster detail
The Heroine of the story. She wears a respirator as most of her time is spent in a poisonous atmosphere at the base of a city. She's packing some heavy artillery.
politician - The Antagonist. A member of the Senate that appears to have the community's best interest at heart, but must also have some visual cues of a villain. The lining of his suit changes color as his intentions are revealed. His mask bears the 'power' symbol of the senate. His respirator is more elegant and ornate than that of Judith.
2nd Class Respirator - A respirator worn by a member of the 2nd Class, confined to the noxious lower atmosphere of the city. These devices are pieced together with miscellaneous components. There is no consistent design as individuals customize their own devices. Each unit has some display recording current levels of oxygen and CO2.
EMFM - electromagnetic frequency modulator. ? the rear hub spins within a magnetic casing, creating a field around the vehicle. at faster speeds, the chassis angles forward for a more dramatic posture.
The Minotaur - a knight from the first crusade. his left arm has the ability to wield metals. in this image, he controls shards of metal as both armor and projectile weapons. his broken sword is a symbol that he has lost touch with reality and his real place in time.
1st Class Respirator - thumbnail exploration for a respirator. the design was intended to have an anatomical and insect like appearance.
2nd Class Respirator - a rougher model. each unit would be customized by its owner, creating a 'pieced-together' look. where the 1st class model would be white and smooth, this version would have varying textures, colors and components to give it character.
Nicholas Kiripolsky
Concept Artist / Game Artist / Illustrator San Francisco, CA