Artist Will Ryman working on the scale model. The sculpted blocks were scanned and enlarged for the final piece.
Rendering of a scanned clay sculpture. The fine details were captured using an Artec Spider scanner.
Final 3D model of one of the elements, scaled and ready for milling.
Milled elements in progress. The foam would be hardcoated and painted after steel footings were installed.
Will Ryman "Pac-Lab" Design

Worked with artist Will Ryman to create the "Pac-man" inspired labyrinth. Hand-sculpted clay elements were scanned at a high resolution using an Artec Spider scanner. 3D renderings were produced to finalize color and layout, while a real-time version was created to experience the public sculpture virtually. Scanned sculptures were milled from foam and hard-coated for durablity. The piece was exhibited in Parc la Villette in Paris and Art Omi in NY.

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Freelance, Full-time
Nicholas Gillis
Senior 3D Designer Ridgefield, CT