Mastor-e service | Android app.

Mastor-e is the end result of a course in Innovation and design thinking in mobile applications and services. It was co-organized by the ELTRUN of the Athens University of Economics and Business, the Innovathens hub, the Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies and Samsung. Mastor-e is a service that firstly aims to help people find the best technicians around them, when they need them in the most simple way. Secondly, it aims to help good technician get the recognition and clientele they deserve.
The first goal is to create a solid community of both technicians and users alike. Mastor-e App is one of the initial steps towards that goal.

Dimitris Niavis | product and systems design engineer
Nikolaos Fwtos | physicist

Dimitris Niavis
Human-Centered, Interdisciplinary Designer Athens, Greece