Luigi's Pizzeria - This is a logo I designed for Luigi's Pizzeria in Beverly, MA
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report - This layout was designed for a theoretical annual report.
census - This table is used to keep a record of the location of individuals throughout the day.
spanish mailer - This layout was created in Illustrator. This piece is one of my internship projects.
dictionary - This layout was created in InDesign and makes use of my typographic knowledge.
brochure - This brochure was created to convey the ideals and principles of the Salem Harbor CDC. (community development corporation).
morph - This image is influenced by the works of El Lisitsky. It was originally a painting and ended up being manipulated in Photoshop.
robotic arm - This work was drawn in Illustrator and colorized in Photoshop. It expresses the relationship between simple rectangular shapes and scale.
turn around - This image is a blend of various works that reflect the theme of this piece which is a portriat of a friend.
x23 - This image was created in Photoshop and makes use of some of its most basic features. However the effect is still striking.
analog spread - This is an analog piece that explores the relationship between text and a variety of mediums from charcoal to spray paint.
junkyard - This drawing was done using a micron pen. I used several mark makinig techniques in order to create contrast and varying fields of density.
vantage - This photograph was shot and developed by myself. I feel that it expresses a sharp relationship between form and contrast.
Top Hat - These are cut out relief prints that were created by inking up crushed aluminum and sending it through the press.
mario - this piece was done in charcoal and drawn from the observation of a plastic figurine
robot - This drawing was done using a micron pen. I used simple forms and repeating marks to build a complex and intriguing matrix.
metal sculpture - This sculpture was built without using a single weld therefor allowing the piece to be taken apart and rearranged in new poses.
plaster sculpture - This sculpture is an expression of lines merging into plains.
Questioning Space - This painting was made by creating shapes and overlapping forms with painters tape. The colors and structures emerge from a exploration of the positive and negative space.