Gathering business requirements and its analysis
Information graphic of business flow
This is the implemented design of the application for real estate developers. Green block show that the user has completed the section. Orange ones are the opened or current ones. Grey ones with a not required icon are those sections which user doesn't have to fill according to the options he/she choose in the closed sections. A small call-out on the left explains why we need that section.
Usability Testing of the Form and Portal
Analysis of the feedback
Design of Portal of Real Estate Developers
Iphone app for field engineers to review application details and approve them.
Form design and Web Portal

A web- portal for real estate developers in Australia on NBN co. website which allows them to apply for telecom services for their commercial and residential plots. They also can keep track of their applications status and the dependencies.

View Website
Netesh Chandra
User Experience Designer Bangalore, India