Desks of the past were designed as shelves to accommodate the horizontal spaces of paper and books, but the digital age requires us to look at how and what we use to get our work done. “andy,” a desk designed as a product for the home office user instead of a piece of furniture, accommodates today’s tools but with the user in mind. Andy’s mixture of matte and brilliant finishes, laminated and lacquered wood construction and retro curve with computer based “mentality” has both a past and future look and function. We look at the gleaming surfaces and think of tomorrow; we feel the warmth of the wood and think of yesterday; we enjoy the blend of desk and computer workstation and think of all we can do today.
"andy" Work desk

I wanted to design a desk from the point of view of an industrial designer as a product and not a furniture.

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Freelance, Full-time
Netali Hernandez
Industrial/Furniture Designer Temecula, CA