I VOTE - this ones for aLL those who Voted & feel proud of doing so Available in those 2 colours - Regular fit : S M L XL - Womens fit : S M L
I LOVE MUMBAI - This is for Mumbai Lovers, available in: - White/Blue/Red/Black for Guys : S M L XL - White/Blue/Yello/ Balck for Gals : S M L
BOMBAY get carried away - This is for Bombay Lovers, available only in: - Regular Fit : S M L XL (in Brown)
i am the BEST - A perfect Bombayite/Mumbaite t-shirt, in competition to I love NY. The heart doesnt mean NY but the BEST logo here is aLL about Bombay~ available in red & black: - Regular Fit : S M L XL - Womens Fit : S M L
Speak Mumbai Speak - Terror hit us Once Again So we've started speaking. We currently have it with 4 different messages: - Terror is like a bad Tooth it needs Extraction - "Enough" said now DO - Mumbai lives on... - I waNNa live !
Smoking Kills - bronchitis; asthma; gastrointestinal difficulties, constipation, diarrhea; nausea; convulsions; insomnia; heart murmur; arthritis; nervousness; gastric, duodenal, and peptic ulcers; lung cancer; cancer of the lip, tongue, pharynx, larynx, & bladder; emphysema; high blood pressure; influenza; pulmonary tuberculosis; tobacco amblyopia; impared hearing; decreased sexual activity & mental depression VS HEALTH need we say more? (concept: Neil Dantas + Anil Parmar) dt: 1stSept2008
FORGET superman TRY ME - batman, spiderman, superman... Everybody loves Superheroes. But, whose the real HERO? did you ask yourself? did you look into your mirror today? And why you telling the world about other heroes that neither you nor they have ever seen for real? Lets forget them for once. And show the world what powers WE possess ourselves. (concept: Neil Dantas) dt: 2006
Eye-Q Test - It’s not the eye that’s needed to read this. You take the test. Be the Doc. It’s not about the eyesight, It’s about the IQ. He who has it will pass. He who doesn’t will ASK. And for those who ask, it reads: “Ask if you can’t read this message printed on this shirt.” (concept: Neil Dantas) dt: 5thFeb2006
Whatever I do is Copyright - To all Apists Every action Every Word Every Breath i take is Unique. Yet, For years You've squandered All my ideas bright. But, henceforth Whatever I do is "Copyright" Do you copy? Good. Cause you can do nothing better than that! (concept: Neil Dantas) dt: November2006
BSExy - "Be SEXY" Q] Why? A] This is about Our lesser Known Edge Which though efficient Caters more to sufficiency In fact we're the Best In the Market Cos We rule the "Sensex" Let me inform you It stands for Sensual Sex Though in the Market We're free from any risks Cos we Trod a Safer Route Being Aids-free is our pick [ as told to The Doers By our Imaginary pal at the BSE,name withheld upon request ] (Concept: Neil Dantas) dt: 2005-2006
I LOVE U : SEX - You're a lover But Your Libido Has made u a Liar Often you're responsible for Many a Heartbreaks Wanna LIE (i.e. next to your Object D' Desire) And yet not be tainted a Liar Wear This tee Speak the truth and Get fulfilled. So Woees! Beware! Cos the Wooers Might Now have the AIDS to floor you (The Doers recommend safe sex & if possible a single love interest, This tee is meant to be playful and not intended to defame relationships) (Concept: Neil Dantas) dt: April2005
Mr. DICK TIONARY - Mr. Dicktionary: a Human Brain containing a selection of the words of the Sexual Jargon, usually arranged Chronologically, giving information about sexual leanings,positions,orientations,inflicted forms , etc., expressed in either the same or another language; a sex-icon; glossary: Mr.Dicktionary Knows it All ; Consult Mr.Dicktionary for all your virgin(ity) problems (concept: Neil Dantas) dt: 2006
WonderfuL - A tribute to the always 'WONDERFUL' Taj The tee reads "We've made it WonderfuL" TEST: Can you read WonderfuL in the above graphic? Look Again. This graphic came out with the coincidence of the re-voting for the new 7 Wonders of the World (7thJuly2007) which due to a loTTa support from our indians retained its slot there. Thus, We've made it WonderfuL (concept: Neil Dantas + The Doers) dt: 07 07 07
WonderfuL - A tribute to the always 'WONDERFUL' Taj The tee reads "We've made it WonderfuL" TEST: Can you read WonderfuL in the above graphic? Look Again. This graphic came out with the coincidence of the re-voting for the new 7 Wonders of the World (7thJuly2007) which due to a loTTa support from our indians retained its slot there. Thus, We've made it WonderfuL (concept: Neil Dantas + The Doers) dt: 07 07 07
CALL ME - Hmmm… So you just love that funky new ring-tone on your cell. You wish people would call you just that you can hear it over and over again! But most people don’t know your number. You wish your number were on hoardings all across town. Well, now you can do just that!!! All you’ll need is a marker, this T-shirt & good colouring skills. (concept: Neil Dantas) dt: 7thAug2006-10K137
We still holding on - We're a bunch of people who came together and made a print on T-shirt in reaction to the 7/11 serial Bomb-blast incident in the local trains of Mumbai (2006). It reads "We still holding on" with an iconical handle used in the local trains. (concept: The Doers) dt: post 11thJuly2006
DRINKS ON ME ** - Always read the fine print. You hastily read the ad and went in for that scheme. Now you repent everyday, cursing the fine print (tucked in that corner). The money you lost bought’em beer. Wanna get even? Go on. Throw a party. Yes throw a party & reveal the fine print later. The fine print on the corner of your T-shirt reads: ** Only if you do whatever I say (concept: Nityesh Dharampal + Neil Dantas) dt: 25thAug2006-10K155
Get Over Alcohol - Fall for it or Get over it (concept: Insignia + Neil Dantas) dt: 10thAug2007
Make the Right Choice Together - Condoms will always have their Limitations Two beds will always give you discomfort Desires will never tell you where to draw the line Pleasure will be well deserved Only if you have the willpower To make the right choice together ( The Doers recommend safe sex preferably with single partner) (concept: Insignia + Neil Dantas) dt: 10thAug2007
LOADING - Latest Soft-wear Download trial version Upgrade yourself No hackers. No viruses. No bugs. No piracy. This soft-wear is so user friendly, you wouldn’t wanna go anywhere without it. Constant upgrades available. Download trial version NOW!!! (concept: Neil Dantas) dt: 2ndAug2006-10K132
Neil Dantas
FUN-tional Designer Mumbai, India