Drawings - Sketches - Art - This hand rendered image was part of the visual techniques module of the course in the 1st year, this was done to practice rendering with markers, pastels, crayons and creating underlays for hand rendering product concepts and final images.
Lego Block - Hand Rendering - This hand rendered image was part of the visual techniques module of the course in the 1st year, this was done to practice rendering with markers, pastels, crayons and creating underlays for hand rendering product concepts and final images
Lego Brick Underlay - This is the underlay i created to render the lego bricks with markers, this was done to teach us basic isometric drawing techniques to create underlays for products in our projects
Downfall Game - Hand Rendering - This hand rendered image was part of the visual techniques module of the course in the 1st year, this was done to practice rendering with markers, pastels, crayons and creating underlays for hand rendering product concepts and final images. We were given dimensions of the roduct and from that we had to create a G.A from which we drew an isometric underlay to then hand render
Pencil & Charcoal Drawings - Here a few examples of Art wirk that i do in my spare time to keep my creative thoughts and processes alive when im not designing products or animating.
Pin-Hole Camera Photography - This was a project i did a while ago where i had to make my own camera with a shoebox and take pin-hole camera photos of areas in Nottingham. This was done to teach us that the photographer makes a shot not the camera and that you can capture really interesting images with something as simple as a shoe box.
Graffiti Photography - This was done around the same time as the pin-hole camerawork, it was for the photography part of my art & design foundation degree. I took several photos of a graffiti artist doing a piece over several hours at a graffiti jam.
Drawings - Sketches - Art
Neil Keetley
neil.keetley.design Nottingham/Huddersfield, United Kingdom