Design Projects - This was a re-invention project for the 2nd year of the course, this started with several task analysis' identifying domestic problems and difficulties. I found that the garden area of the home created the most difficulties and decided to concentrate on the difficult tasks at hand here, in this case it was hoe-ing and turning over soil in the garden area and the physical effort and strains involved. Its a difficult task for people of all ages and physical capabilities. The Ho-Plo works on the same principal as a farmers plough and tills the soil over by simply rolling the specialised blades through the soil in a forwards and backwards motion, making the ardous garden task of hoe-ing as simple and easy as running a hoover over your carpet
Medicine Reminder Pen - This was a Live Project in the 2nd year for a medicine and pharmacutical company. Through research i found that taking medicine at the correct time of the day was a problem area. So i designed the medicine pen which has a small alarm in the end which goes off at the set time and stored within are your tablets and enough liquid to take the medictaion with; regardless of where you are or what you are doing
Guest Bed Drawer Unit - This was also a Live breif set by a company in the 2nd year. The bed company wanted alternative guest beds, different ways and methods of storing guest beds. I chose to give the guest bed a double function so it wasn't completely dormant when not in use and could completely blend in with it's environment and not look out of place ina room. So i concealed a bed within a drawer unit which also incorprated a draw for their storgae when staying over.
Text-O-Cup - This was the final project for the 1st year on the Product Design course to be shown at the end of year exhibition. This was a group project, consisting of 4 members, 2 people focused on the CAD side whilst the other 2 team memebers focused on the modelling side, whilst we all colaborated on the conceptual design and ideas stage. I was a memeber of the model making team and myself and a colleague made the physical model you see above. The concept is a coffee maker with bluetooth technology allowing you to send via a coding system your desired drink and desired time. For example returning home and wanting your coffee to be ready for you upon arrival, or waking up in the morning and texting the text-o-cup so after your morning preperations your drink is readily prepared ready for you to drink
The Hob - This was also the final project of the 1st year on the Product Design course to be featured in the end of year exhibition. This was a group project, consisting of 4 members, 2 people focused on the CAD side whilst the other team memebers focused on modelling side, whilst we all colaborated on the conceptual design ideas stage. I was a memeber of the model making team and myself and a colleague made the physical model you see above. You can also see the product being displayed at the end of year exhibition. The concept was a small portable hob for the kitchen of small apartments where there is not a lot of worktop surface to sink a four hob stove into. Therefore the individual hobs are stored away easily and can be retrieved as desired from a cupboard. They can be interlinked together into many layout forms for consumer personalisation and for the required times when more than one hob and saucepan/frying pan is needed to cook
His & Her Toothbrushes - This was a project i did that was based on form and aesthetics of products. I had to design a his & her set of a particular product so i chose electric toothbrushes. I made the profiles of both bodies resembling the male and female form as symbolism. The stands also connect together to show unity and a loving bond between a couple
Neil Keetley Nottingham/Huddersfield, United Kingdom