The cover design for the design journal uses twelve tiered and stacked squares that work together to showcase the title of the journal. The smaller squares, when viewed together, form a larger square that serves as an aperture–providing a theoretical framework through which history, theory, and criticism are viewed, presented, and disseminated. The front and the back have a temporal relationship. While the back signifies beginnings with empty outlined squares and letterforms within, the front presents the same outlined squares and letterforms now filled with inquiry and analysis that are the distinguishing attributes of this scholarly journal.
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The cover design for the design journal uses twelve tiered and stacked squares that work together to showcase the title of the journal. The smaller squares, when viewed together, form a larger square that serves as an aperture–providing a theoretical framework through which history, theory, and criticism are viewed, presented, and disseminated. The front and the back have a temporal relationship. While the back signifies beginnings with empty outlined squares and letterforms within, the front presents the same outlined squares and letterforms now filled with inquiry and analysis that are the distinguishing attributes of this scholarly journal.
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