Untitled (Christina Ricci) - This is an illustration of a girl, with a beautiful expression. A mix between scared, shocked and sad at the same time. The background of the illustration is Ground Zero. I thought that this background and the illustration of the girl connects wonderfully, to me the whole image as one creates a deep feeling and plays with emotions.

Town Restaurant Kids Menu - Kids menu design for Town Restaurant, the design is left black and white to encourage the childrens creativity by letting them color in every space of their menu (free crayon boxes are given). The characters and games relate exactly to the menu, so children can play around with their imagination to make their eating time more pleasurable. The games are also mostly thinking games, again to stimulate the childs brain.

Mini Greeting Cards - Size: 6x6cm
Each card is hand cut and embellished with rhinestones.

Mini Christmas Cards - Size: 6x6cm
Each card is hand cut and embellished with rhinestones.

Horoscope Girls - These are illustrations I entered in the Prima Deli cake design competition. The brief was to create cake designs with the Chinese horoscopes as a theme. Instead of putting images of the animals, I chose to portray each horoscope by focusing on the best personality trait of each horoscope and created a character for each one.

Childhood Dreams - These illustrations are a series called Childhood Dreams. This series is the final project for my Editorial Illustration class. The brief was to create a series of illustrations, the theme was up to the students. I decided to create these illustrations to make my friends childhood dreams come true. Before starting the illustrations I interviewed each person and finding out what their childhood dreams were.

Hello, My Name is Agnes. (Cover and Activity pages) - This is my final project for Introduction to Digital Illustration.
The brief was to create a childrens book.
my book is titled “ Hello, My Name is Agnes.â€
At the end of the book i have included a make-your-own badge kit, too add interactivity to the book.

Hello, My Name is Agnes. (inside pages) - The story pages of Hello, My Name is Agnes.

Kak Manda - An illustration of my friend.

Kelly O - In this illustration, I wanted to portray another side of Kelly Osbourne. Even though from the outside she is a punk-rock, gothic person I belive that as a daughter, a sister and a friend she has angelic qualities.
So I illustrated her in her own style, the usual gothic look but with wings and hearts and girly colors.

Euphoria Longan - The brief was to create a label for an exotic fruit. I chose to create a label for longans. This label is made quite simple since if its placed on a crate, people will not want to read it if the label is too complicated. I created a label that is fresh, clean, simple and to the point, since that is what people look for in a label. I also kept the feeling of an old vintage fruit crate label for because I find that the vintage fruit crate labels are both visually appealing and interesting.

Oriental Birthday - A birthday invitation for my sister with an oriental theme.

Strength - This illustration shows a girl sitting down and handling her stress by relaxing and having her cigarette. She is thinking about all her problems and finding solutions for them. She is alone because she is a strong girl and likes to handle her problems alone. I blocked the eye area because that girl could be anyone, I think at one point or another, we all have to deal with our problems alone.
