Take 5 - I got the opportunity to work on this magazine with my dear friend and brilliant designer, Alice Alves. The biggest obstacle in terms of redesign for this magazine was (as usual) lack of $, but by focusing on the typography, use of icons, and white space we were able to make it all look coherent. Most of the art is from Istock (some of it has been modified by us) the rest is either shot by me or Alice, or given to us from the person the article is about.
Kelly Rutherford feature - Kelly Rutherford from Gossip Girl was our cover feature, we were supplied with one image so made use of the negative space & type.
24 things at the last min - This feature was called 24 Things We Do At the Last Minute, most of the art is from the stockxchange.
Table of contents 1 - Table of Contents (TOC) again using big numbers to give it an organic feel
table of contents 2 - Page 2 of TOC.... We were very fortunate to be able to get a pro bono illustrator, Amane Kaneko, to do a couple of illos for us on the subject of telling white lies to your children.
extreme commuting feature - A feature about mothers who do extreme commuting.
extreme commuting feature - Secondary pages with art from a woman who lives in Colorado but commutes ton NYC for work.
Latest work HYBRID MOM
Neomi Assiabanha-Rapoport
Award Winning Graphic designer seattle, WA